Sunday, March 28, 2010

Chapter Twelve....No Thank You

This chapter gave me so many problems. Masen is always easy to write. Maybe I'm a nine year old boy trapped in a 30-something year old woman's body. Ewww. The thought is repulsive. Or maybe it's just the fact that I spend so much time with kids that I find writing about them easier than complicated bike smex? I don't have very much experience with the later (okay- I have ZILCH experience with the later) so I'm guessing that's why it was so difficult to write. In light of my love/hate relationship with chapter 12 I wrote an ode to chapter 12: Going Public and Getting Wild. Stick with me, there's pics at the end....

Chapter Twelve,

How do I hate thee? Let me count the ways....

1) You were sooo difficult to write!
2) You made me lose sleep- and I NEED my sleep, dammit!
3) You had me doubting whether I would ever finish this fic. Seriously.
4) I had a constant headache for a month and a half while I wrote you.
5)You drove me to start reading new a UNCOMPLETED fanfic just to avoid writing you, and I HATE reading incomplete fics... I am now up to 57 fics that I am currently reading that are incomplete. Grrrr.
6) Well I don't have a Number six at the moment but I may just think of one....

So- I'm finished with my ranting- for now. As a reward for sticking with me, here are a few little picture teasers:

The handsome Mr. Darcy

Just a reminder of what the Eclipse Choppers logo looks like.

Bella's boots. Yeah. I REALLY want these, A LOT.

Thanks for reading and Riding! Remember you can also read Ride at its home blog. Just Click on the Ride icon on the side bar! If you don't subscribe to that blog's updates then you may want to, cause I will be posting a "little something special" ONLY there very soon. Until chapter 13 or the something special, I remain:

Forever, Liz