Friday, October 23, 2009

The Chapter from Hell

It's clear that we are getting close to Halloween, because even my fic is into the mood. Is it just me, or is it far to soon for me to be getting writer's block? I sure as hell think it it! So why is it that 1K into Chapter 4, the chapter I'v been dying to write, by the fucking way, I can't find the words? Bella and Eddo have clammed the hella up and refuse to give it up. These two are a couple of fucking teases, I swear!

I've done every trick I can think of, I forced it- writing when I so didn't even feel like writing. I've tried a WC(Writer's Challenge)- what happened the last time I did a WC? Oh, well I wrote an epic 4,500 words in 3 hours, that's what! But this last time, I FELL ASLEEP! I know, right? Sad. (In my defense I haven't been well, but that's not important.) I've begged other authors and readers alike to finish it for me, and I have no idea why each and everyone have refused my very generous offer to guest write a chapter of "Ride". :snickers: I have also tried just forgetting about it. Walk away from the MacTop and just do something fun and non-FF related. *GASP* Non-FF related? It does exist people, and I did it. I went to a concert and had a ton of fun, only to come home and glare menacingly at the beloved MacT0p. I'm starting to get pissed, people.

I'm under a time crunch here. Monday is Update Day, and whilst I have a fuck awesome beta, that can turn a fic around like nobody's business, it isn't fair to hand her a fic Sunday and say, "Can I get this for Monday afternoon?" Dizz has her own amazing shit she's writing, I'm not the only author she betas for, not to mention a real life filled with job, home, and a couple of teenaged manboys. So see my point? Imma freaking out over the deadline thing here.

I have one more trick by my not-so-author's- sleeve. I'm just gonna skip the part that's hitching me up and try to write around it, and come back to it later. Tonight is writing night. I'm goning to try to find a WC and live there until Ch 4 is written and off my back. I really just want to bitch slap this chapter, really I do.

So... I'm doing everything I can to pop this chappie out to you by Monday. No excuses, no extensions. Imma doing the best this baby fic writer can do! Cross your fingers and hope that this works, people. I need all the luck I can get.

Forever, Liz

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Chapter Three- Beaches and Butterflies, Updated!!

Chapter Three: Beaches and Butterflies has been updated!! Wow! We're really doing this, huh? I'm sooo excited!

To celebrate my b-day yesterday, I thought I'd post some goodies to go with the chapter.

First here are a few pictures of Bella's beach house. It will be explained soon how she can afford such luxury! BTW- I pass this house everyday on my way to and from work. Its really MY dream house, but I'll never have it. At least Bella can! Look closely at the rooftop (right side of pic) and you can see the roof deck that Bella and Edward will be spending some "quality time" on, soon enough!

Next, here's Mr. Darcy! What a cutie!

Lastly, Here's the Eclipse logo Bella is seeing everywhere, and will be seeing a LOT more of in the near future! (Thanks, again to kissyourself!)

I hope you enjoy Chapter 3, and don't forget to review! I love reading your feedback! Off to finish Chapter 4! Moday comes REALLY fast! Ha! Ha!

Forever, Liz

Birthday Blues Banished!

I hate my birthday. No, I'm serious. I get all emo and brooding when it gets close and we'll just leave it at that. I'd hate to make you emo, too!

This being said, I have had an amazing birthday today! Well, it started yesterday and continued to today and was filled with surprises and fabulous people. Last night I was kidnapped and whisked off to see, FAME! by one of best and closest friends. Just being with her is a fucktastic time, but she knew how badly I had wanted to see FAME and made sure that I did just that! Thanks, Kitty Kat!

Then today, my family made a wonderful dinner for me, and my adorable nieces and nephew decorated a beautifully delicious cake. Any day is better when I'm around those three munchkins, so that was very special. Shout out the kiddos: Aunt Sissy loves you!!

My beautiful Cake: Yes, those are Christmas AND Halloween candies on there. They made some comment that I was a "woman for all seasons"? Goof-balls!

Afterwards I was summoned to the afore mentioned BFF, Kat's house for a mysterious "evening of fun". I should have known...

I walked into this :

A movie sized marque of the original poster!

A table arrayed with all things Twi-Saga!

And in the next room, A giant screen, movie projector, and Twilight. I was DED!

Kat's candelabra that stays out all year, soo cool!

We watched a screening of Twi on the big screen, ate amazing food, laughed until we cried, and she gave me some amazing gifts. The best of which was the surprise of the party. I had no idea! It was one of the best frigging surprises ever!

She also covered me with Twi-gifts. She had just told me on Saturday that she had been to look for the new Twilight line from Bath & Body works, but that it hadn't been released yet. She said it would be available after Nov 2. I believed her, 'cus- Why shouldn't I?

I found this at the bottom of the popcorn bowl!

Yep, that's Twilight Smelly stuff, The WOODS. Yummy!

She's a sneaky one that Kitty Kat is! And I love her for it!

As a birthday gift from me to you I'm going to share the drabble I wrote for Nina's birthday! I know, I know; it's MY birthday, but what can I say? I'm just generous like that! Haha! Here's the link to the shorty: Bella's Birthday Outtake!

Thanks to everyone who sent birthday wishes and love to me today! It made the day even better!

Here's to another great year!

Love and gratitude,

Forever, Liz

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Moving Right Along...

Ride is deffinatly moving along! CH3 is currently being beta-ed and CH4 is in the works. I have several goodies to add to the site once CH3 is updated. Pics of Bella's house, the other "man" in her life, and a special goodie from kissyourself! She's been busy, AGAIN!

So far so good on keeping my weekly posting schedule! Here's to me being able to keep it up! As for Ch3 it will be posted Monday, as promised, and contains lemony goodness.

I often wonder what readers think about the lemons I write. I know how I feel after reading an epic lemon of fucktastic proportions written by one of favorite authors or another: HOT and BOTHERED! However, I don't get that from my own lemons. I guess because I wrote them and all ready know what to expect? Maybe its because I have to pine and pour over them to be sure that they make sense and that takes all the fun out of reading them? Well, for whatever sick twisted reason, the lemon for Ch 3 did crazy things to my girlie bits when I re-read it for editing. I just hope it does the same for you guys...

I'm off to write some on CH4. Edward gets a say this chapter, I love hearing what goes on in his head. The family make their debut this chapter as well!

Thanks for coming along for the "Ride" and reading!

Forever, Liz

Monday, October 12, 2009

Chapter Two Has Updated!

Enough said...

Here's the link:

Ch 3 should update Sunday or Monday, depending on when I get all the "goodies" ready to post up here!

As ALWAYS, thank you so much for reading! Reviews are love and in Chapter 3's case lead to LEMONS!

Forever, Liz

Chapter Two Has Updated!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fabulous FANtastic Fics

Just a note... Instead of stars or stripes or thumbs up (cuz I think of the obscene things that one could be done with upped thumbs) I will be awarding "Thongs"(Y) for my rating system. Y= not worth our time, YYYYY=Go NOW and read this FanFic, and bring an extra thong! I think the Y looks remarkably like a thong from the back. It's just my warped opinion.

Fic Stats:
Author: Dizzygrl28
Characters: B X C, E
Rated M for Lemons and Language
Complete? NO
Liz's Rating: YYYYY

I love reading fanfic. I love coming across new and exciting story lines. A while back I was introduced to Dizzygrl28 through Whitlock's Girl as a possible beta for my stories. I figured I should at the very least be able to say that I knew what this chick had written. Thus was my introduction to "Teacher's Pet". This fic had me at the first A/N.

Dizzy is twelve chapters into this fic, and each chapter has me wondering, "When the hell is the other shoe gonna drop?" This fic is AH, and when we meet her, 18 year old Bella is a Senior at Forks High. She also has a wicked crush on her teacher, Mr. Carlisle Cullen! That's right, kiddies, I said Carlisle! Miss Bella isn't the tame, sweet, shy character we are used to in FF. This Bella is strong and goes after what she wants. That would be Mr. Hot Bitch Cullen. She proceeds to attempt to seduce him, during the middle of class, no less.

Edward is very present in this fic. He has a crush on Bella, and can see that something is going on between Bella and their teacher, but he has no proof. Can Edward lure Bella away from Carlsile? Will Carlsile and Bella make it work? Go read the damn fic and find out for yourself, lazy ass!

This is a very easy read. And fuck me, its hot. Steamy hot. Break out the shamwow, ladies. You're gonna need it. Lemons abound!

Liz gives "Teacher's Pet" = YYYYY- FIVE Thongs! Go, read, attack your significant other afterwards. And don't forget to review!

Forever, Liz

One Day!!!!

I thought I was nervous yesterday... I had no clue!

Now I'm excited and- NERVOUS! I want you guys to have this chapter soo badly. Here's how this will work, I think. I definitely will be posting this later on. Maybe in the afternoon, maybe in the evening, depending on my schedule and when the winners are announced. So that's out of my control.

I really hope to be updating weekly, probably on Mondays, maybe Sundays. That depends on too many things to waste your or my time here with. So, basically- I don't have any freaking definite details other than RoYL will update it's 2nd Chapter sometime after noon on MONDAY. Sorry. To make up for my failure as a human being I bring a peace offering.

Oh, haiiii object of my desire... I found this on RobcessedBlog today and had to share! I know it's an older pic... but- I have no more words. Just look at him...

Forever (his), Liz

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Two Days Until Chapter Two!

The nerves are building... This is worse than when I posted the damn one shot! Maybe because since then I've written a few other things and not been as pleased with the response to one in particular.

While there have been a lot of very nice, positive things said, there really hasn't been much interest in one fic in particular. Its one of those where you pour yourself into it, are fucking relieved when its finished, and put it out there only to have a, "Meh, it was interesting..." response. I can't even respond to the 10 responses I've had so far because its an ANONYMOUS contest! Haha! I find it a little frustrating, that's all. Not to mention that the only thing I want to do is pull it down and post it on my profile to see what you guys think about it. Its definitely a different concept, but I figured it would generate some interest. You know, stand out from the others. Hell, I like a good "E meets B, B falls for E, E doesn't feel worthy, E leaves B, B is broken and lost, E comes back to her, E and B live happily ever after" fic as much as the next gal, but the stories that I love, the ones that I want to read again and again are the ones that totally stand out in the crowd. I kinda thought this anonymous fic was like that, and it just might be exactly that, but hell! There ARE fifty-four fucking entries! I'll be entirely surprised and honored if I make it past the first round of voting. We shall see...

I'm just venting, not really mad or upset. I received a bizzaro review today, and didn't quite know how to take it. I pine over the reviews I leave for authors. Most are simple an sincere. Some are elaborate and creative. But each is carefully worded, so that the person who reads it knows full well how much I am grateful for their words and time. Not all are long winded, (shut it. I can do brief, damn it!) but all are heartfelt. Don't get me wrong, I am a review hOOr, and a quickly left review is better than no review (with the EXPRESS exception of leaving a " :)" or "Good Job!" as a review! Please, please, NEVER do that! Haha!); but as a READER I kinda look at the situation like this:

I just spent anywhere from twenty minutes to an hour reading this author's fic, that they spent days slaving over. Shunning real life, shirking responsibilities, and shedding blood sweat & tears to write this for my sorry ass to read for FREE. The least I can do is take FIVE more minutes to write a review that reflects how I felt about their work.

OK, I'm done. I'm getting off my soap box, and going to pillage my cabinets for chocolate. I need a hit of the good stuff to bring me back to my happy place so I can write Chapter 3 tonight. It's started and :GASP: outlined, but I gotta go listen to these two crazy kids be all mushy and write it all down so you can read it and REVIEW! Haha!

I really am excited about Chapter 2 of Ride of Your Life posting on Monday. It will probably be in the evening, EST. Just so you know! ;)

Thanks for reading, and reviewing. I can't believe that you people read ANY of the crap I write. Every time I get a doc back from Dizzy and she tells me she liked it (or amazingly, that she loved it) I'm just so grateful that it didn't suck. Hell, I might be happy with a review that said, "Well, it didn't suck..." LOL

Don't get any fucking ideas, smart ass!

I love y'all!

Forever, Liz

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Best Readers in ALL of Fan Fic!

Who has the best readers in all of fan fic?


So earlier this week janiiith made me my fuckawesome banners, (Thanks again for those, bb!) Now, lee723 has made me a new avi for Twitter! I do believe he's going up on the FF profile as well. I love him THAT much! So I need to pause for a second and thank Lee *cough*LISA*cough* properly...

Dearest Lisa/Lee723,

I would like to thank you for the amazingly fucktastic avi you made for me today. It made my day suck sooo much less. See Twitter was being a twat, and I was totes bummed that I couldn't read all the profound things my tweeps had to say (within the 140 character limit, of course). So you making me an avi using one of my FAV pics of Mr. Oh-la-la and my new motto has me on could nine! And even though Twitter has pried its head out of its ass, this is still the highlight of my day! If I could I would send you a prettiful blue high lighter to feed your stationary fetish! Really I would! Since I can't actually send you sexy stationary, look for a shout out in the lower A/N of Ride's Ch2! xoxoxo

Giant hugs and rays of sunshine from Sunny Florida! Thanks ever so much for the beauty that is Rob and peeing my pants. In fact I am so happy I could share the warmth RIGHT NOW!! Ew. Okay, that was a bit of an over share moment. Sorry.

Forever (and EVER), Liz

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Go, Dog! Go!!

Go vote now!!

You can vote on the DILF Contest as of today...

So, what the hell are you still doing here?

GO VOTE! Oh, here's the linksey, just in case you lost the last one:

Thanks bunches!

Forever, Liz

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

On Your Mark, Get Set...

No! Not yet, sillies!

You still have one more day before the voting begins for Ninapolitan's DILF Contest! The voting starts tomorrow, and I have no idea how this will work!

She may do rounds of voting and then a final vote or just a free for all. I really have no clue. My point is to VOTE! And PIMP, my pretties! If you twitter and you know it, pimp me out! I'll be your dirty little hOOr! Feel free to tweet to all your twitter and FF buds to read the entries (because they kick ass!) and then vote! (preferably for me ;) )

Here's the link to the contest page: Ninapolitan's DILFward Contest

ALSO in related news:

The voting for the 80s One Shot contest has begun. This was the anonymous contest that I entered last week, but can't tell which one I wrote. I can't even give you hits, because that's just wrong and shitty to do. The whole fucking point of it being anonymous is that you and that fucktastic writer are on the same level for once. Well, on the same level as in nobody knows who wrote which story so its not a popularity contest. If you suck as a writer then, sorry, no amount of anonymity will help you win out against a LolaShoes or AngstGoddess003. Not even fuck hot lemons. Again, sorry. I have a feeling that my little o/s fits into this category, but I can't tell for sure. I've had a few reviews, all positive, none glowing, and a few left by pretty recognizable authors. Regardless, I WILL be posting it to my profile once the contest is over. You peeps can decide for yourselves then.

Until then, mosey over there and read the entries, some are ah-may-zing, others are not so much so. Feel free to PM me and guess which one is mine. I can neither confirm or deny your suspicions, but its a fun little game!

NaughtyHealsAnonymousContest : I Love 80's Music!

So, until next time... GO VOTE!!!!

Forever, Liz

Monday, October 5, 2009

Chapter Two has and Update Date!

Okay, peeps and Tweeps, Ride has an official update date for chapter 2!!

Nina will announce the winners of the DILF Contest on the 11th, and will be posting the update for Chapter 2 on the 12th in an effort to dull the pain of losing (I have no hopes of winning. Have you SEEN some of those entries? WOW!).

So mark your calendars, add me to your Author Alerts, and follow me on Twitter! (<--click on the link)

Once I'm free and clear to continue the story I will do my best to make regular weekly updates. I simply can't do any more than that between real life and my make believe world that I sometimes retreat to. (I'm beautiful and super skinny and well laid in that world, by the way. So I like to spend quite a lot of time there! ;) )

Thanks so much for the support and enthusiasm, you guys! It because of you and your love that I write even when Edward and Bella are being difficult!

Big squishy hugs to you all!

Forever, Liz

TRoYL has TWO Banners!!

So I was twittering today... I know, big surprise. Anyway, I was bitching about how I wanted banners for Ride but how I'm total FAIL at PhotoShop.

Then I met an angel, and her name is janiiith, AKA kissyourself on FFn. She had read and reviewed Ride and was following my spastic tweets, god love her. She pops in and says "I can make you one." I almost squee-ed, but that may have spooked the monsters and then we would have had an uprising or stampeed or what ever hordes of crazed monsters do when they are spooked. So I remained calm and sent her a few of my fav RPatz and KStew pics. The next thing I know I get links to these back:

OMG! I think I'm in love: with janiiith and her amazing banners! Here's a big hug and smooch from your biggest fan, Janis! I big puffy heart you! Thanks so much for these. Keep your eye out for a special thanks in Chapter two of Ride. I wrote it in just for you!

Now all we need is a thread on Twilighted... ;)

FYI- The pic of Rob is one of my favs, and the one I have plastered to my screen when I write DILFward. He's my inspiration for Ride!

Forever, Liz