Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Emasculation of Edward Cullen

This has gotten out of hand. What started out as a plot bunny has morphed into a full-fledged, air breathing fic with a life of it's own!

It started, sadly enough, when I found myself mis-reading "The Emancipation Proclamation" as "The Emasculation Proclamation." Yes, I know, I'm stupid, but after it happened once it happened a LOT. I started thinking about what type of fic would warrant that kind of title.

And Golden Boy was born!

Now I spend my nights dreaming up horrible things to do to my favorite Twilight character and I'm enjoying every second of it.

Ride has not been abandoned. Believe me, I am furiously working to get a new chapter out this weekend. It's just that Golden Boy is a bit louder than Chopperward and Bikerella at the moment. But I promise the next Ride chapter will be worth the wait. (Or so the Pre-Riders tell me.)

If you have questions about Ride or Golden Boy, go ahead and leave them below in a comment or email them to me. I'm happy to answer them! Who knows, they may even spark an interview or chapter idea!

Until next time,

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Meet My Masen

Ever wondered what our beloved youngest character in Ride would look like? Well, wonder no more! Thanks to a little creative PhotoShop skills and my sweet Barbi girl, you can now have a visual of the boy wonder. She's amazing and madly in love with Mini. She threatens to kidnap him. I think he'd love visiting her, but would miss Bella oodles. He may need to make a trip to see her one day. And because the little man adores Mr. Darcy so much I've included some pics of him as well. Here's another little piece of trivia for you about Masen: he has a theme song. His Aunt Rose has given him a song of his own. Its "Break Your Heart" by Taio Cruz. Go check it out!

Enjoy getting to know Rides's two most popular characters a little better!

Masen Cullen

He wears a beanie just like his dad!

So smart! Our boy loves to read.

Little Heartbreaker!

So adorable!

He can do broody just as well as his daddy!

Mr. Darcy Swan

The day Bella brought him home!

Gotta love that wet nose!

Tuckered out after a run on the beach with Bella.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Banners are Love

Dearest Riders,

As usual I was tweeting yesterday, and I was complaining about how A) I didn't have Photo Shop (and that I desperately wanted it!) and B) how I'd never be able to justify buying the program because I'd never figure out how to use the blasted thing!

Then an angel sent me a message asking a single question: "What do you need?"

The angel's "name" was MistressElektra, and she's an acquaintance of mine on Twitter. I was shocked! Then I was confused!! What DID I want? I had no clue! I knew I wanted something new, and beautiful and exciting, but I really didn't have anything in mind, so to speak. So I did the only rational, reasonable thing: I gave her carte blanche to do whatever she so desired. She read a few chapters of Ride (I hope they weren't too awful to have to muddle through, Mistress.) and sent me this when I got to work today: (WARNING: it's sizzling hot!)

Okay, yeah. That's hot! I WARNED you! FYI- That is exactly how I see Bella when she's not in "teacher mode", and Edward? Spot. ON! If only he had his tatts. But I'm not picky. This baby is perfect! You people can just "imagine" his tatts, okay?

Thank you, Mistress Elektra, I love Ride's new banner and you did an amazing job!

So, Riders? How about heading over to The Mistress' blog- "MistressElektra" , and checking out some of the other amazing banner's she's made. And when you're finished go read her newest fic, The Other Light.

I love my new banner, and I love The Mistress for making it for me! Please, Mistress, may I have another? And another? And another? Oh, wait are we still talking about banners or are we talking about something else entirely now? Oh, who cares? Mistress, may I?

Until next time. lovlies!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Chapter Twelve....No Thank You

This chapter gave me so many problems. Masen is always easy to write. Maybe I'm a nine year old boy trapped in a 30-something year old woman's body. Ewww. The thought is repulsive. Or maybe it's just the fact that I spend so much time with kids that I find writing about them easier than complicated bike smex? I don't have very much experience with the later (okay- I have ZILCH experience with the later) so I'm guessing that's why it was so difficult to write. In light of my love/hate relationship with chapter 12 I wrote an ode to chapter 12: Going Public and Getting Wild. Stick with me, there's pics at the end....

Chapter Twelve,

How do I hate thee? Let me count the ways....

1) You were sooo difficult to write!
2) You made me lose sleep- and I NEED my sleep, dammit!
3) You had me doubting whether I would ever finish this fic. Seriously.
4) I had a constant headache for a month and a half while I wrote you.
5)You drove me to start reading new a UNCOMPLETED fanfic just to avoid writing you, and I HATE reading incomplete fics... I am now up to 57 fics that I am currently reading that are incomplete. Grrrr.
6) Well I don't have a Number six at the moment but I may just think of one....

So- I'm finished with my ranting- for now. As a reward for sticking with me, here are a few little picture teasers:

The handsome Mr. Darcy

Just a reminder of what the Eclipse Choppers logo looks like.

Bella's boots. Yeah. I REALLY want these, A LOT.

Thanks for reading and Riding! Remember you can also read Ride at its home blog. Just Click on the Ride icon on the side bar! If you don't subscribe to that blog's updates then you may want to, cause I will be posting a "little something special" ONLY there very soon. Until chapter 13 or the something special, I remain:

Forever, Liz

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Chapter Eleven

Here's the goodies for Chapter Eleven!! First a link to the playlist for this chapter. Sadly, Playlist.com didn't have the ONE song I wanted on this Chapter, so I had to link it from YouTube. Sorry. The rest of the songs are on the playlist here's the list of songs for the chapter as well as the links:

Playlist: The Boys Of Summer by The Ataris, Its Getting Hot In Here by Nelly, Learning to Breathe by Switchfoot, Everything by Lifehouse

Chapter 11 PLAYLIST

These are the pictures of the characters' costumes, well, most of them as I envisioned them.

Bella's Costume:

Alice's Costume:

Rose's Costume:

Kat's Costume

Jazz's Costume:

And lastly, Edward's Costume:

Also included is a picture of the Grim Reaper statues that the character "Kat" made and lent to Alice in this chapter. My real life bestie, Kat, has two of these that she made herself. She refers to them as her "boys." I run into them at lest once a month in her garage and they scare the shit out of me each and every time I do. Stupid statues.

Enjoy and Thanks for reading!

Forever, Liz

Thank you's and TMI

I don’t usually narrate on my chapters, but I felt a strong need to do so on this one, for many reasons.

Firstly, Chapter 11 was written in love and appreciation... OF YOU! I can never be able to fully express how much I appreciate the fact that you read what I write. I'm overwhelmed that any one of you, not to mention ALL of you, bother to read the words I string together. Your kind words and encouraging reviews warm my heart each chapter. I’m so happy that you are enjoying this Ride so far. I know I sure am! So, THANK YOU, RIDERS! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!

Secondly, this is the chapter that I always swore would never be. Why? Well, because this is a flashback to October, and in every single fic out there there’s the requisite Halloween Party scene. I’m not a big fan of Halloween, (neither is Bella) and I had no desire to write such a scene. Bella had other ideas. Thus the only reason for this chapter. It does offer some further insight to their feelings as well as a look at the relationships between some of the fringe characters and our DILFward and BikerElla.

Thirdly, this chapter touches on the true theme of this fic. Pretty hefty order for a chapter that was never meant to be, huh? Here’s some hopefully interesting backstory about Ride for you:

The Ride of Your Life was a fic that I had started as an original story, something I was developing and working on to write as a novel. It was, at its inception, dubbed “Learning to Breathe.” It only became a fanfic after reading that Ninapolitan was running a contest and I wanted to enter. So I tweaked and reworked it to fit within the TwiFanFiction world, and wrote what came to me. After I wrote that final line of what was to become chapter one I knew I had to title the o/s The Ride of Your Life, with the intentions of expanding it from the very beginning. Once I extended it, I wanted to title chapter one, The Ride of Your Life, but name the entire fic Learning to Breathe.

One of my closest and dearest friends, Kat, convinced me otherwise. After pre-reading Chapter two she was positive that this story was about Bella and Edward’s ride through life and finding each other. So the title remained The Ride of your Life. The underlying currant of being able to finally open up your airways and take a deep, life bringing breath after a life time of gasping for air still remains in Ride. There’s no way I could tell this story without it.

That becomes evident in this chapter for the first time in the story. Bella is truly living and breathing for the first time in many, many years. Edward has done that for her. Masen is doing that for her. And by the miracle of love, Bella is doing it for the two “men” in her life.

These characters have a long way to go and many hurdles to cross. Just this week I was shown that very clearly. Their Ride won’t always be smooth. Who’s ever is, though? What I can insure is that they will Ride off into the sunset of “happily ever afters.”

It would appear that, while I AM the author and creator of this story, that I’m also on this Ride. No matter how much I may THINK I’m in control, this is ultimately Bella and Edward’s story. Thank you for coming along for the Ride.

All my Love.

Forever, Liz

Monday, February 22, 2010

A New Addition to the Family...

Forever, Liz has an announcement!

There's been a birth in the family, so to speak. In light of the recent revisions to ff.net and the drama going down on Twitter over it all I decided that Ride needed a "permanent" home. One where I was the keeper of the delete key. So, over the last week I've been cooking a bun in the oven and making a happy little nest for my baby.

For the most part its finished. It may need a tweak or two, and there maybe some additions at some point, but I think we can officially mark February 22, 2010 its birthday!

So head on over and take a look at the new home of

Now, a few questions I've already received:

  • No, I am not pulling Ride from ff.net or Twilighted.
  • Yes, I will continue to update on those sites for as long as they allow me to.
  • Do I think Ride will be pulled? Well, its a possibility. It has a M rating, but it really is a NC-17 story line. If they want to pull it, that's their call, and I will not fight it or wish them any ill-will. I knew full well what I was posting when I posted it.
I hope you like Ride's new home, and if you have any tips for how to improve it drop me a line or leave a comment!

Thanks for reading! You make this ride worth it!

Forever, Liz

Monday, February 8, 2010

Chapter Ten- Bending and Breaking

Ahhhh. Chapter Ten. Well, I'm not sure if you visit the profile FIRST or read first, so I won't mention what's going down in Chappie 10. I'll just include the goodies!

Click on the link below for the Playlist.com link for:

I 'm including a pic of Bella's Bikini. Its an Ed Hardy:

Cute, huh?

I've also included general images of what I pictured as I wrote about Edward's Tats. (I have a friend working on an image of Bella's tat so you can see that, too.)

Edward's tattoo of the Chinese Character for "Tiger" on his Right side:

Edward's Tiger Head tattoo on his Right Bicep:

Edward's Tattoo of the Chinese Character for "Dragon" (Masen's Sign) on his Left side:

Edward's tattoo of the Dragon that wraps around his Left forearm that represents Masen:

I hope you liked Ch10. Leave me some comments about the tats. Do these posts help, or are they superfluous?

Thanks for reading and Reviewing! I love you guys!

Forever, Liz

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Chapter Nine-Dates and Debates

Dates and Debates is UP!!

Here are the playlist and pics I promised you!

Click on this Playlist link to listen to the songs that accompany this chapter without having to download or buy them. Just a heads up- there ARE boy band songs, but they go with the chapter. If you break out in hives from the boy bands then don't listen to them, but I highly recommend that you listen to "Need" by Hana Pestle before/while you read the part of the chapter that Bella plays it. Its a beautiful song and has nothing to do with the Boy Bands.

OK, Pictures. Here's what I picture Bella wearing on her date with Edward, Alice, and Jazz; as well as Edward's Sex on wheels car. Hope you enjoy the chapter! As always, Thanks for reading and Riding!

Bella's Dress

Edward's BMW M6 Convertible

Forever, Liz

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Catching Up and Goings Ons

One more post tonight and then I'm DONE!

I just sent Ch9 to the first beta. Wait you don't know about the second beta? Well, its kinda old news. One of my much adored readers TwilightMundi has agreed to take on my tangled mess of words strung haphazardly together and make them make sense! Yay, TM! She has a nickname. Of course she does. Hang around me long enough and you're gonna get one. Its a scientific fact. Anywhooo, just as DizzyGrl28 is my beloved Darth Beta, TwilightMundi has become my Grammar Guru. Both beta, and do a fan-fricking-tastic job of it I might add, but they each have their "strengths" and both make my words fit for you to read. So, once I finish the chapter it heads to GG first, she looks it over, picks through all the gunk and deems it acceptable! Then I send to Dizzy, who has, nine times out of times out of ten, seen the pile of rubbish that is now a little neater pile of rubbish, (thanks to GG), several times at this point because Dizzy is who gets the middle of the night ping in Gchat when I'm freaking out, or I can't find something, or I just want someone to bounce ideas off. Anyway, Dizzy notes anything that GG may have missed and makes sure everything is still on track with Ride and makes perfect little comments about this or that. (I adore those, BTW.) ALL that being said:

Ch9 is in the first stages of Beta'ing. It's in GG's very capable hands, and will be handed off to Dizzy ASAP. Enters my dilemma... I usually update as SOON a chappie is finished and polished, but I'm not sure if I should this time, and here's why:

I have a agreed to quite a lot this month. A laundry list, if you may:

~oOo~ Chapters 9 (and maybe 10) of Ride

~oOo~ A crazy one shot crackfic collaboration with my bestie KitKatBlack24 for Twi-Hard

~oOo~ The 7Stories Podcast and blog

~oOo~ And now the 7Stories are writing a "round robin" style entry for the Haitian Relief Project "Twifans for Haiti"

My options are these: Update as soon as Ch9 is free and clear, end of discussion. OR wait a week to 1o days and publish then, because either way, Riders, the likely hood that there'll another Ride chapter before Feb 1st is slim to none. Unless of course I don't sleep. And that sure as hella is not gonna happen.

Think about it and let me know.

Forever, Liz

7Stories Podcast

So I have acquired a pretty amazing gaggle of fanfic friends, and we're all pretty messed up. No really. We love to Skype and giggle and swear and say "peen". A LOT. See, I TOLD you we were messed up. So a few of us decided to do something even MORE messed up and share with all the fandom just how far our messied-upness goes and start a podcast.

We call ourselves the 7Stories. We each have our own story to tell and we just happen to be telling ours together. We have a blog, a twitter, a Facebook page, and a gmail account. Most importantly we have a fully launched podcast! Our first epi launched this week! Man, we really are serious about doing this!

Head over to the 7Stories Podcast to see what the girls have all been up to and listen to our first Episode while you're there. (Just remember, it is a MATURE broadcast!! Over 18 ONLY please!)

Forever, Liz