I just sent Ch9 to the first beta. Wait you don't know about the second beta? Well, its kinda old news. One of my much adored readers TwilightMundi has agreed to take on my tangled mess of words strung haphazardly together and make them make sense! Yay, TM! She has a nickname. Of course she does. Hang around me long enough and you're gonna get one. Its a scientific fact. Anywhooo, just as DizzyGrl28 is my beloved Darth Beta, TwilightMundi has become my Grammar Guru. Both beta, and do a fan-fricking-tastic job of it I might add, but they each have their "strengths" and both make my words fit for you to read. So, once I finish the chapter it heads to GG first, she looks it over, picks through all the gunk and deems it acceptable! Then I send to Dizzy, who has, nine times out of times out of ten, seen the pile of rubbish that is now a little neater pile of rubbish, (thanks to GG), several times at this point because Dizzy is who gets the middle of the night ping in Gchat when I'm freaking out, or I can't find something, or I just want someone to bounce ideas off. Anyway, Dizzy notes anything that GG may have missed and makes sure everything is still on track with Ride and makes perfect little comments about this or that. (I adore those, BTW.) ALL that being said:
Ch9 is in the first stages of Beta'ing. It's in GG's very capable hands, and will be handed off to Dizzy ASAP. Enters my dilemma... I usually update as SOON a chappie is finished and polished, but I'm not sure if I should this time, and here's why:
I have a agreed to quite a lot this month. A laundry list, if you may:
~oOo~ Chapters 9 (and maybe 10) of Ride
~oOo~ A crazy one shot crackfic collaboration with my bestie KitKatBlack24 for Twi-Hard
~oOo~ The 7Stories Podcast and blog
~oOo~ And now the 7Stories are writing a "round robin" style entry for the Haitian Relief Project "Twifans for Haiti"
My options are these: Update as soon as Ch9 is free and clear, end of discussion. OR wait a week to 1o days and publish then, because either way, Riders, the likely hood that there'll another Ride chapter before Feb 1st is slim to none. Unless of course I don't sleep. And that sure as hella is not gonna happen.
Think about it and let me know.
Forever, Liz
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