Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Women of FanFic...

I am quick to admit that I am a newcomer to the fandom. Hell, I only read my first Twific back in May, so I'm still cutting my fic teeth.

The first fic I read was by LolaShoes, "Let Your Light Shine" and I immediately read the sequel, "A Life Extraordinary". From there I started scouring popular authors' favorite lists to find new fics to read.

In my search I came across lesser known (to me) fics. Fics like "Legacy", "Horizons", and "Teacher's Pet" (Which I have rec-ed on this blog). I fully intended to be entertained by these silly works of fiction. What I didn't expect, was to come to deeply respect and care for their authors, but I have done just that.

You should know that I have out of this world Real Life friends. They support, love, and put up with my crazy ass. I love spending every possible moment with those fleshy peeps of mine. I'm a BIG hugger, so I love to lavish them with hugs! There's nothing like looking at your bestie and not having to say a word, they just get you! Scary, or should I say, amazingly enough, I have come to feel the same about a group of women whom I have never met, but I hope and pray that will someday change.

I think we are all pretty clear about how I feel about my Darth Beta, Dizzygrl28. The simplest way to say it is that I love her. She not only fixes my messes, but she never laughs at my stupid mistakes, she scours the Interwebs for the perfect song for my chappies, she laughs with me, she celebrates with me, and she talks me off of bridges. I am doing everything in my power to meet this woman next year. If for no other reason but to thank her personally for what she has done for me. She has given me confidence and wings. She is my biggest cheerleader and yet, she lurks in the background. I can't wait to give her the biggest hug when I finally stand before her. Consider yourself warned, Mel!

While I adore Dizzy, I have come to understand that the way we feel about our fic relationship isn't exclusive to the two of us. Most authors feel this way about their betas. I love that idea! But I have come to associate with a circle of ladies that I feel strongly about as well. Some are readers, women who have reached out in a review or PM and we struck up a friendship. Others are fellow writers, women whose fics I have read and written to them, and they responded to my reviews. I'd like to mention these ladies now.

There's Cutest, (AKA Bqotfu or Bbetica) who happens to live about 340 miles away and in the same state as I do. Cutest writes the most amazing CSI-esque fics: "Crime Scene Denials & Forensic Anglels" and most recently "Blindsided". She has quickly become my "ficsis" (think Fic + Sis). We are so much alike, and have spent many hours chatting away on GChat about our fics and out RLs. I do believe she may just be the cutest thing I haven't met. Yet. ;) (soon, bb, soon!)

There's my own Personal Pirate, AD76 (AKA AutumnDreamer, Legacyff) Who writes "Legacy". This woman is the yen to my yang. She is every bit as crazy as I am, and maybe even more. I love that she doesn't mince words and "takes no crap". Not only do I respect AD's work, as she is an amazing author, but I respect her opinion as well. She is the first to tell me if something isn't working or needs to be tweaked, (well, after Dizzy, that is). Both Cutest and AD are pre-readers for Ride, and I'm sure you'll recognize their pen names from my A/Ns. Their input and opinions are invaluable to me! Thanks, ladies! I lub u crazy kids!

Then there's Lee723. Lee/Lisa/Twinsie/Crazy Ass. She's known by all these names. Lee is a reader and someone who makes my days easier to deal with. She tweets me throughout the day with crazy, funny comments and always brings a smile to my face. We, also have found quite a few similarities in one another, thus the Wonder Twins. We believe that we are twins separated at birth, although I was clearly born thirteen years before her. Gaw, did I really just admit that? Eeeep! You complete me, Twinisie!

Enter Megsly07. Meg! This is my time to go fangirl! Meg writes "Through Your Eyes", "Horizons", "A Dark Horizon", and "Boxing the Compass" among others. Meg can bring me from hysterical laughter to snotsobbing tears, in the same chapter. This woman, in conjunction with Cutest, has made it her personal mission to beat the ever loving wussperve out of me. (Wussperv=someone who fears the angst=me) Lately she's been pulling me into her GDocs and letting me see the master at work. It's truly humbling. Her comedic timing and sick perversion for all things heartfail have endeared her to me. One day, when she doesn't have so much crap on her plate, she may even read MY fic. Haha! Kidding, Meg. Kidding. <3

I would also like to mention a few ladies who leave amazing, constructive reviews and who twitter with me throughout the day. Janiiith, TwiChicky, TwilightMundi, and recently Breakawaygirl25. You ladies encourage me more than you will ever know, and it is a pleasure to say that I "know" you. Thanks for reading and investing in this little Ride of mine! ;)

So those are my TwiGirls! Each amazing women in their own rights, but as a collective whole, these ladies inspire and encourage me, making me want to be not only a better author, but a better person. Thank you, lovlies! Big fleshy hugs to each of you!

Be sure to check out these ladies' fics. They are ALL amazing!

Liz loves you FOREVER!!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Watcher O/S

MONTHS ago I wrote an o/s for the "I Love 80's Music" Contest. This contest held zero interest to me. Hell, I was intrenched in the 80's the FIRST time they were popular, do I REALLY need to live them again? I didn't think so. But then, WearingWords had to go pimping this contest all over Twitter, and somehow my interest was piqued.

Was it the fact that the fic had to based and closely follow an 80's song? Or was that it was required to have lemon(s)? Maybe it was the fact that I decided to enter the contest on a MONDAY and the deadline was on FRIDAY? (I know, Imma crazy) Or perhaps it was the 10K limit (high limit)? Or even the fact that it was an anonymous contest? Regardless of WHY I entered, by Monday evening I had messaged DizzyGrl28 and informed her of my plan. By that time I had a song and a basic outline conjured up to bounce off of her. She liked it, and like always, she was very supportive and encouraging. She just KNEW I could write this and have it ready to submit in THREE days. So I went to work.

By Wednesday I was wondering "what the hell I was thinking when I emailed the directors of the contest to let them know my song choice?! " My MAJOR FAIL moment came when I was GChatting with Dizzy on Wednesday night and she asked about the lemon. She was wondering how I was planned to work out the logistics of human male parts working on/in vampire female parts. My response was something along the lines of, "Og, my god. I have no clue. I am so fucked. How am I going to make this work?"

What's the big deal right? I mean it's all just make believe anyways, right? Wrong. Its got to be BELIEVABLE! And come on- who's going to believe that ANY man in his right mind would sick his wang in a freezing cold metal pipe that could snap it off when it constricted around him. (This was my exact description of how I imagined sex between a human male and vamp female would be when I was talking with Dizz.) This did not seem appealing to me in the least. And I don't have a wang that I am overprotective of. Thus began the the great smexin' search.

My Darth Beta whisked herself away, with only the "BRB" glaring in the chat window.

The next time she popped in a few minutes later, she explained that she had been jumping in and out of chat rooms and forums asking random, obscene questions about vamp/human sex. She the began scouring the fics for similar situations in them. As it turns out, these fics are rare and I now know why. I had a feeling that I would owe this woman BIG TIME for this one.

And hour and a half later the lemon and its logistics had been worked out, I was no longer panicked, and miracles of miracles, Dizzy had even tricked me into writing an outline! (The woman really IS a miracle worker!)

I finished up the o/s shipped it off to Darth Beta and took a deep breath. By Thursday night I had the o/s back and fully betaed. First thing Friday I sent the damn thing to the contest and almost puked. Thus began my month and a half vigil of the reviews. But that is all over now! Its my my fic again! And I have posted it! WOOT!

A few notes:
-This is a TRUE one shot. It WILL NOT be continued. Sorry folks.
-I am still and always be a review h00r. So GO REVIEW!
-Wussward is one of my fav Edwards so far. But Dadward is my #1!

I hope you enjoy The Watcher, I am proud of this fic, and I'm so glad I did it. I will say that it will be a while before I do anther contest again... the stress is more then I can take right now! LOL

Until next time, readers-

Forever, Liz

Chapter Five- Masen's Music Lesson & Meeting Mr. Darcy

I have birthed a monster. At just under 12K, Chapter 5 deserved a mammoth of title.

Nothing about this chapter was easy. Three hundred words into it and I was blocked. Not going anywhere. After three days of staring at the screen I literally yelled, "Fuck it!" and walked away. Only to come back ten minutes latter, find a WC and start writing in a different place in the story line. That seemed to do the trick.

Four hours and 5K later, not only was the block gone, but the part of the chapter that has tortured me so was fixed and finished. Little did I know that I was FAR from finished!

Once again, DizzyGrl28 was there to talk me down from high places and encourage me. "Write what you feel comfortable with, Liz." "They'll read it if you write it. Stop worrying." She was right. It does work, and its an important chapter, but not the most important one. That one is yet to be written, and it kinda scares me.

Until then, I'll keep letting the story unfold. I love that you are reviewing! Its my favorite email notice to get. I've been meeting some of you in WCs and I have to say, you are talented writers in your own right. To know that my readers are writers is humbling, because I know what you are sacrificing to take the time to read my silly little fic. So a special thank you to those of you who are reading AND writing! Thank you!

Until next time...and I promise it will be within the week!

Forever, Liz

P.S. As a reward for being soooo patient with me and posting late I am publishing the o/s I wrote for the "I Love the 80s" Contest.

It should post sometime on the 3rd! ((HUGS))